Time to rein in obesity and lifestyle diseases and prevent risks of maladies

Obesity and lifestyle diseases have always been viewed in India as a condition that only afflicts people overseas. Far from it, statistics prove India is placed third among nations with the highest number of obese people. This is alarming, considering the relatively lesser awareness among individuals of the risks posed by obesity and lifestyle diseases. High blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases are among the various conditions that may afflict obese patients. Here is a quick look at some of the complications of obesity. This is not exhaustive, but a broad reference of possible outcomes, directly and indirectly.

Lack of awareness about obesity and complications

From a medical perspective, the bigger concern is about conditions that are not treated, or diagnosed. Patients who receive timely treatment, will face lesser risks, with faster outcomes and less complex procedures.

In India, a very large number of patients are aware of various conditions ONLY when the patient seeks treatment for some other condition at a hospital. For instance, 7 out of 10 hypertensive patients are not aware of the condition, and learn about it at the time of treatment/hospitalisation for other conditions. This may expose the patients to various other diseases.

Lack of awareness about obesity and complications

The best option is to always tackle the underlying cause or condition. Obesity can be managed, can be treated, with advanced bariatric surgery in Thiruvananthapuram at Lord’s Hospital. Gastric bypass and other procedures intended to help patients manage weight are known as bariatric surgery. We have helped a large number of patients from India and abroad, achieve weight reduction with these procedures. Patients diagnosed with endocrine disorders will require treatment for the underlying condition, in addition to undergoing any recommended and suitable procedure.

We have the distinction of performing more than 300 weight loss surgeries successfully, by teams led by our founder Prof.Dr.K.P.Haridass.
This included complex and complicated procedures and cases.

Lack of awareness about obesity and complications

Bariatric surgical procedures are all intended to make changes to the digestive system of the patient, and help the patient manage weight effectively. The procedure typically restricts the amount of food that can be consumed by a patient, or it reduces the nutrient intake by the body. The procedure is classified into different types – (1) gastric bypass, (2) sleeve gastrectomy and (3) biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Surgeries may be performed traditionally with incisions on the stomach or may also be performed laparoscopically. Suitability of procedures are determined by the specialist after a detailed assessment.

Gastric bypass is performed by reducing the size of the stomach surgically and bypassing the first part of the small intestine. This reduces the food intake quantity, and nutrient absorption ability. This is the most common among all three procedures

Sleeve gastrectomy is performed by removing a large portion of the stomach, without any bypassing of the intestines. This reduces the food intake quantity, and regulates a hormone that induces hunger. This is the fastest procedure among all the three procedures.

Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch is performed through a two-part procedure. The first part involves removal of a large portion of the stomach, similar to sleeve gastrectomy, while the second part connects the duodenum to the end of the intestine, bypassing most of the intestine. This reduces food intake and impacts nutrient absorption, but is considered as relatively complex among the three procedures.

Mini gastric bypass refers to a laparoscopic procedure that is classified as restrictive as well as malabsorptive. The procedure restricts the amount of food intake, in addition to reducing absorption of nutrients thereby controlling weight effectively. The procedure takes lesser time, and anywhere between two to seven feet of intestines are bypassed. The chances of complications are considerably reduced, while offering faster recovery to the patient.

Which procedures are documented as most successful?

Among the different types of procedures, Mini Gastric Bypass is documented as among the most successful, and is typically recommended by most specialists. The advantages of Mini Gastric Bypass, are the long term effects, wherein the possibility of a relapse is eliminated. The procedure delivers faster outcomes, is safe, is reversible and protects the patient from weight gain, unlike other procedures.

Bariatric surgery whenever recommended usually follows a standard to determine suitability. For instance, whenever BMI is below 39, Gastric Bypass or similar procedures are recommended. Whenever, the BMI is above 40, Mini Gastric Bypass is often the only and most suitable choice.

Is bariatric surgery necessary for all obese patients?

Surgical procedures are not necessary for all obese individuals. Bariatric surgery is typically recommended under certain circumstances, such as high BMI, or when all other options have failed. High BMI refers to body mass index above 40. However, patients with BMI between 35 to 40 may also require surgery when severe health problems manifest due to obesity. Most readers are probably aware that BMI refers to the amount of fat in the body, calculated on the basis of height and weight. The index is calculated with slightly differently for adults and children. For adults it is always a measure of the height and weight only. However, in the case of adolescents, BMI is gender as well as age specific.

Why is the procedure necessary when options like exercise and dietary modifications may help?

Weight management is possible through dietary modifications, exercise regimen and other lifestyle modifications. However, in certain cases, gastric bypass or laparoscopic bariatric surgery may be the only options due to many reasons. For instance:

  • • The patient may be Class III Obese
  • • Other health conditions or parameters may demand quick reduction in weight
  • • The patient may be unable to exercise initially

Class III Obesity or morbid obesity is considered as the highest level of obesity, and in most often than not, the only option for patients may to be undergo bariatric surgery. Similarly, patients may be experiencing complications as a result of obesity and may require urgent weight reduction to prepare the patient for other treatments. The third category of patients are typically those who are advised to undergo procedures, reduce weight to a desired milestone and then follow lifestyle modifications to maintain good health.

Some form of exercise and diet control is essential even after gastric bypass or other procedures. It is wrong to assume that a surgery is a final fix, with no additional requirements.

Benefits from bariatric surgery

There are recorded benefits from the procedure. In addition to direct weight loss and weight management, the procedure helps patients recover or improve various health conditions. For instance, conditions such as heart ailments, hypertension, type II diabetes, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and GERD will witness significant improvements. In addition to better overall health, the procedure also reduces the risk of exposure to these conditions in patients who have not yet been afflicted with weight related health issues.

Need more info? Get in touch with our specialists for a detailed assessment and briefing

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