Patient Care

Patient Care

Diagonistic Services
Lords offers one of the best diagnostic services in the State. The hospital has a well-maintained laboratory, ultrasound scanning unit and so on.

Inpatient Services
For admission process, a Public Relations Assistant will help you at the Inpatient Admissions Counter in the main lobby. Prior to the surgery, the patient’s written consent is necessary.

Outpatient Services
It is a kind of healthcare service that can be made possible in a doctor’s office, clinic, the patient’s home or hospital outpatient department.

Diabetic Clinic
Thyroid Clinic
Fever Clinic
Post Covid Care clinic

Specialised Departments
Our Specialist departments and services work together to provide you with successful treatment and care at Lords hospital, from medical assessments and daily treatment to medication and allied services. Know more about our specialists departments and the services offered.

Diagonistic Services

Lords offers one of the best diagnostic services in the State. The hospital has a well-maintained laboratory, ultrasound scanning unit and so on.

Laboratory services: Lords offers best clinical laboratory, providing analytical support in biochemistry, haematology and clinical pathology. We have already introduced automation for accurate biochemical analysis. In view of the higher incidence of coronary artery diseases among Kerala’s younger population and driven by our own social commitment, at Lords, we have a program of Executive Health Checkup, which includes a very dependable and affordable analysis of lipid profile (Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol and VLDL Cholesterol).

Prevention is always better than cure. So we welcome you all to Lord’s Hospital to take advantages of this program. Experts are always here to offer advice on changes for a heart-healthy lifestyle. The laboratory also has separate sections for offering diagnostic services in histopathology, bacteriology, virology and immunology.

Ultrasound Scanner: Most advanced Ultrasound machine – Toshiba Nemio 30 digital whole body colour Doppler ultrasound imaging system with two active transducer ports and 172 DB dynamic range caters.

Lords diagnostic services also have the following facilities:-
Treadmill Test – TMT
X- Ray (300 mA X-Ray unit and 60 mA mobile X-Ray (CR)

Inpatient Services

For admission process, a Public Relations Assistant will help you at the Inpatient Admissions Counter in the main lobby. Prior to the surgery, the patient’s written consent is necessary. In the case of a minor, a parent or guardian must sign the consent form. For elective surgery or procedures, the deposit is to be made at this time.

If surgery or any other procedure is required, the nurse will explain the preparations that need to be done beforehand and will explain to the patient what to expect before and after the procedure or surgery. Many surgical procedures might require a stay of one or more days in the ICU following the surgery, after which, the patient will be shifted to the recovery room/ward.

What patients should bring?

A list of all the medications he has been taking and also the following

  • Personal toiletries
  • Contact lens
  • Eyeglasses
  • Dentures
  • Hearing aid

This patients should no bring? Patients should not bring valuables and jewelry. As Lords Hospital is a smoke and liquor-free zone, cigarettes as well as intoxicants are strictly prohibited. A bystander can stay overnight with the patient (with the exception of six-bedded wards and Critical Care Units). Most units offer a sleeping cot in the room at no additional cost

Patients should not bring valuables and jewelry. As Lords Hospital is a smoke and liquor-free zone, cigarettes as well as intoxicants are strictly prohibited. A bystander can stay overnight with the patient (with the exception of six-bedded wards and Critical Care Units). Most units offer a sleeping cot in the room at no additional cost

Outpatient Services

Lords offers one of the best diagnostic services in the State. The hospital has a well-maintained laboratory, ultrasound scanning unit and so on.

As you know, you don’t have to stay overnight if you are an outpatient. It is a kind of healthcare service that can be made possible in a doctor’s office, clinic, the patient’s home or hospital outpatient department. Here at Lord’s Hospital, we offer the patient an enhanced service that they obtain from the hospital’s outpatient department. Experienced doctors will diagnose the patient and prescribe what medicine the patient should take.

Advanced treatments and technologies have helped outpatient department more active, as many tests and surgical procedures previously conducted in the hospitals can now be done in an office setting. We assure wellness and prevention along with better treatment.

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